15 February 2022

SPECTRAL was selected as 2021’s most innovative company in Delft by the Chamber of Commerce in The Netherlands. The SPECTRAL Team is honored and takes pride in this achievement: we will continue to revolutionize recycling and mining using our chemical analyzer technology. Every year the Chamber of Commerce in The Netherlands organizes the “KVK Innovatie […]

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29 November 2021

SPECTRAL in Innovation Top 100

SPECTRAL Industries is finalist in the Chamber of Commerce Innovation Top 100! We are very proud to be amongst the 100 most innovative companies in the Netherlands (

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2 November 2021

Succesful Msc thesis defend

Arne van der Aa received a MSc degree from Delft University of Technology! Arne performed his graduation work at SPECTRAL designing an extremely robust LIBS system, which is currently in operation at one of our industrial customers. After celebrating this milestone, Arne will start as full-time mechanical engineer at SPECTRAL; we are very happy to […]

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15 August 2021

6 years anniversary

SPECTRAL celebrating its 6 years anniversary with a dinner party for employees and family. 6 Years ago we started with a dream – now we have a passionate team of 12 specialists, customers on 5 continents and business is growing exponentially! What a journey so far.

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SPECTRAL continues to grow

And the growth continues. Rick Boks just finished his MSc in artificial intelligence and started on the 1st of August to strengthen our software department. Welcome Rick!

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2 May 2021

New employee started

Happy to have Neil Jaschinski in the SPECTRAL Team as of today! SPECTRAL is expanding: if you are interested in global challenges, let us know.

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5 April 2021

Sellmer stays!

Sellmer Wolbers was already part of the SPECTRAL team doing his BSc graduation work with us. After receiving his diploma (8.5/10!) from The Hague University of Applied Sciences, we now welcome Sellmer as a permanent asset in our continuously growing team.

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18 March 2021

SPECTRAL joins European Lithium Institute

SPECTRAL Industries became full member of the The European Lithium Institute (eLi). ELi is an international non-profit organization with headquarters in Brussels and Würzburg. The virtual institute links up competences and infrastructure along the whole lithium value chain to generate focused international cooperation and to enable comprehensive policy and industry advice. SPECTRAL is very excited […]

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14 March 2021

EMSLIBS 2021 sponsored by SPECTRAL

SPECTRAL is proud to sponsor the 11th Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (EMSLIBS) that will be held in Gijón (Spain) from November 29 to December 2. SPECTRAL LIBS experts Marinus Dalm and Sadia Manzoor will give oral presentations and our CEO Ad Maas is attending as well. We look forward to meeting you in […]

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